Saturday, May 17, 2008

Answers to Organized labor

These are my answers to questions from the candidate screening cmte. of the Ohio Civil Service Employees Assn. District 5. We had a substantive discussion in conjunction with this questionaire.

Prepared for the

Dear General Assembly Candidate,

The Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA), an affiliate of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), represents approximately 36,000 public employees across Ohio. Majorities of our members are employed by the state and are located in virtually every state agency and every county. OCSEA/AFSCME operates a legislative and political action program separate from other AFSCME affiliates in Ohio, and is not affiliated with other AFSCME locals for the purposes of endorsement. The AFSCME family does share many common interests and although our questionnaires may be ]
committee recommendations are considered by the OCSEA Statewide District Grassroots Committee. Final endorsements, in most cases, will be made on June 20, 2008. Notification will follow soon after that date if a candidate is endorsed.

OCSEA issues endorsements on the basis of candidates’ positions on workplace issues of importance to OCSEA/AFSCME members. These positions are determined by a candidate’s voting record (if one exists), any other record of statements on issues (including this questionnaire) and personal interviews. Endorsements are not based on political party affiliations. All candidates are invited and encouraged to meet with their local OCSEA members and seek our endorsement. District screenings will be held between April 7 and May 31, 2008, and candidates will be contacted by one of our local staff representatives.

The questionnaire should be returned to OCSEA/AFSCME Local 11, 390 Worthington Rd., Westerville, Ohio 43082, Attn: Sharon Reese no later than April 1, 2008. Questionnaires may also be returned via fax to Sharon at 614/865-4777. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon at 614/865-2646.


Kim Fellinger
Governmental Affairs Director


Name: Timothy J. Kettler

Address: 29674 Township Road 30, Warsaw, Ohio 43844

Telephone Office: (740) 824-4748 Fax: ________________ Cell: (740) 502-6453, WebSite

House District # _________ Senate District # 20 Incumbent: Yes ______ No X

Campaign Committee: Kettler for Senate

Campaign Committee Address: PO Box 343, Warsaw, Ohio 43844
List all elective offices previously held and period held:




List any union membership and offices held and dates held:

Retail Clerks International Ass’n. 1968; IBEW 1970

OCSEA represents employees in every state agency (ie. ODOT, ODNR). Have you had an opportunity to visit a state prison, developmental center or other job site? If so, which facility did you visit? ____________________NO_______________________________________________

Do you have an interest in a particular area of state government? If so, please elaborate.
Elections… I was a 2006 candidate for Ohio Secretary of State. Environmental
Policy … I am a self-employed small businessman in the environmental field. The prospect of substantial job creation for tradesman in this field must be encouraged.

The State of Ohio is facing difficult economic times. OCSEA believes that there is a need for adequate permanent revenue in order to preserve vital state services, as well as provide a stable economic base for the state for future years. Please indicate which methods you would use to address a budget shortfall.
_____ Budget cuts
_____ Tap the Rainy Day Fund
_____ New Revenue
_____ Other (please indicate below)
___X All of the above
Ending state giveaways and tax abatements to corporations, particularly those that weaken the security of Ohio’s working men and women, the poor and the working poor are the types of budget cuts I would support. I consider state services to be part of our infrastructure and would focus on efficiency not across- the-board job elimination. I oppose using the money from the tobacco settlement for economic stimulus and would insist that it be used strictly for the original intent, cessation programs, treatment and healthcare. The rainy day fund would be a much more suitable asset for stimulus purposes. Given that the majority of recent tax reductions, both currently and those considered for future implementation have benefited upper income individuals and corporations any new revenue sources must not come on the backs of middle income
wage-earners, the poor and working poor. All other sources of revenue must be explored and should be incentive-based rather than punitive.

Ohio’s public employees have the right to bargain collectively under legislation
that was enacted in 1983. OCSEA strongly supports this right and believes that public employees and employers must bargain over all matters pertaining to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment.

____X___ I agree with and will support the OCSEA position.

________ I disagree with the OCSEA position.
Additional Comment
The concept and practice of collective bargaining is vital to our economy and strength of our workforce. Public employees are guaranteed under law to the exercise of this right. The role of public employees is further enhanced by their delivery of services to all Ohioans. It is in the public interest that this sector of the workforce remains capable and vibrant. I would oppose all legislation such as Ohio SB 264 which contained provisions since removed barring teachers from collective bargaining and forcing them into binding arbitration.

Since its enactment, the Ohio public employee collective bargaining law has proven to work effectively. OCSEA strongly supports the law as it is written; however, legislative initiatives arise occasionally that would weaken or attempt to override the provisions of the collective bargaining law. Would you support legislation that would further erode employee rights?

____X____ I agree with and will support the OCSEA position.

_________ I disagree with the OCSEA position.
Additional Comments

I encourage and support the establishment and continuance of all legal collective
bargaining agreements and would oppose any attempt to weaken existing law.

Privatization of public services or programs is frequently proposed as a solution to public sector budgetary problems. OCSEA believes that privatization of public services or programs are bad public policy, and that public services are necessary to insure public accountability. OCSEA members have proven time and again, that if comparing apples to apples, public employees deliver the best quality service for less.

_____X__ I agree with and will support the OCSEA position.

________ I disagree with the OCSEA position.
Additional Comments
Trends indicate that the increased privatization of state and government services has not produced the types of savings and efficiency advocates have projected. The continued drain on funds for bloated administrative costs and excessive profits have created more budget problems than they resolved. Converting services into private profit-generating enterprise has threatened the security of working families and resulted in more citizens imprisoned, fewer with healthcare coverage and arbitrary delivery of necessary services.

Ohio public employees face severe restrictions on their ability to participate in the
electoral process under Ohio’s “Little Hatch Act”. Ohio is one of 9 states that prohibit public employees from participating in any kind of partisan politics—even on their own time. OCSEA believes that legislation (SB 246—127th GA) to permit public employees to engage in voluntary partisan political activity on their own time should be enacted, provided that safeguards against coercion by employers are included.

_____X__ I agree with and will support the OCSEA position.

________ I disagree with the OCSEA position.
Additional Comments
Regardless of career path all citizens are endowed with certain rights, most importantly the right to participate in the electoral process. As a 2006 candidate for Ohio Secretary of State I am acutely aware of the need to protect voting rights and increase citizen participation. I would strongly support reversing the restrictions of Ohio’s “Little Hatch Act”, clearly an infringement of voting rights

OCSEA and AFSCME believe that affirmative action and equal employment
policies have laid the basis for a more egalitarian workplace by helping to break down favoritism, race and sex prejudice, allowing job competition to be based solely upon qualifications. There have been attempts in some states (including Ohio) to repeal or significantly weaken equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws. OCSEA and AFSCME strongly oppose any attempts to repeal or weaken these laws.

____X___ I agree with and will support the OCSEA position.

________ I disagree with the OCSEA position.

If not, how would you address this issue?
As a self-employed small businessman and political activist I have the opportunity to speak with many people every day, both personally and professionally. It is my perspective that the goals sought by the implementation of equal opportunity and affirmative action laws have not yet been met. Continuation and or enhancement of these laws are of the highest priority.

The shifting of American jobs overseas to low-wage labor markets, commonly referred to as “off shoring” has been promoted as a money saver. American workers are losing jobs and the security of its citizens can be compromised. Public records, such as medical records and income tax preparation information, are transmitted to countries such as Sri Lanka and India without the necessary security precautions. OCSEA believes that Ohio should maintain quality jobs in state as well as provide accountability of services. Would you support legislation eliminating “off shoring” of state government jobs?

____X___ I agree with and will support the OCSEA position.
________ I disagree with the OCSEA position.
Additional Comments
Devastating job losses affecting Ohio can in large part be attributed to free trade policies such as NAFTA and CAFTA as well as support for the GATT agreement and the WTO. Both major parties have supported these trade policies and continue to accept campaign contributions from corporations benefiting from these policies. I, as well as all Green Party candidates refuse campaign contributions from corporate and special interest groups. I support a “litmus test” approach concerning this issue for all elected officials and candidates for office. Global trade has a role in a healthy economy but the current imbalance affecting Ohio’s working families must be changed. Organized opposition to “off-shoring” must be led by the individual members of the Ohio legislature in partnership with working men and women and organized labor.

9. The number of Ohioans who lack health insurance continues to increase rapidly. Despite
extensive debate, limited initiatives have been implemented to address this problem. OCSEA believes that all Ohioans should have access to affordable health care.
What provisions could you support that are commonly put forth as solutions. Check all that apply: Universal health insurance ___X__ Employer mandates ______ Create a high risk pool subsidized by the state ______ Workers Comp premium discounts for small business ______ Other
I have been a member of the SPANOhio state council since April 2004 and have been actively working for passage of the Health Care for All Ohioans Act. I view healthcare as infrastructure and support its administration in a non-profit, public system. I cannot support any solution that does not extend coverage to every Ohio worker and resident or allows the participation of the for-profit healthcare industry. Both the major parties refuse to consider the single payer model including Governor Strickland’s current Healthcare Initiative Advisory Committee.

Over the past several years, funding for the Ohio state parks has become woefully
inadequate to meet the needs of its visitors. Parks staffing has been reduced dramatically, while maintenance continues only in a patchwork fashion. OCSEA believes that because there will continue to be competing interests for scarce general revenue dollars, there should be a dedicated funding stream for parks to keep their doors open to the public free of charge. Do you agree with the OCSEA position?
Yes ___X____ No __________
If not, how would you address this issue?

An initiative petition is likely to appear on the November, 2008 ballot requiring employers to provide a minimum amount of paid sick leave to employees in Ohio. The proposed law would require employers to provide the following: Seven (7) days of paid sick leave annually for employees working 30 or more hours a week; or a pro rata amount of paid sick leave annually for employees working less than 30 hours per week or less than 1,560 hours per year. OCSEA believes working Ohioans should be granted a minimum amount of sick leave annually. Do you agree with the OCSEA position?
Yes ____X___ No ___________
Other Comments
Although there have been gains in the minimum wage it does not reflect an adequate living wage. By establishing universal health care and paid sick leave we are in fact putting more dollars in the budgets of working men and women, the poor and the working poor. The justice and societal aspect of helping families in times of crisis is valid and deserving of support.

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