Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Democrat Mantra

Buy, Buy, Buy an election! Not that we haven't had plenty of incidence of corporate and well-moneyed influence in our elections, remember that Ohio Republicans and Democrats passed legislation on December 31, 2004 allowing a 7 YEAR OLD CHILD to give $20,000 in campaign contributions in an election cycle, but the latest may be the most blatant!

Democrats will approach wealthy contributors, including private business for money to fund a re-vote in Florida and Michigan. These are Hillary supporters and there are delegates there for her if she can win a do-over.

The outcome of another Democrat primary election is of no interest to me, but the very attempt to put corporate and special interest funding behind this move that would obviously benefit her chances is offensive to say the least!

Every time I hear her proudly exclaim that she is THE candidate of change and is the only one who can stand up to the corporate and special interests in Washington I am underwhelmed with her forthrightness. This from a Washington insider who spent the first several years of her law career at the Rose Law Firm defending corporate clients against class action lawsuits.

Looks like business as usual. Too bad.

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