Monday, December 17, 2007

A visit to the AG's office

December 17, 2007

Today a contigent of election reform activists met with representatives of the Ohio Attorney General. In a nearly two hour meeting, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign met with Micheal Deemer, Deputy Attorney General for Governmental Affairs to discuss election problems and press for investigation of election crimes dating back to the 2004 Presidential Election and Recount. As a member of the steering committee I was one of those who had the floor to speak about the Recount events in Coshocton County including felony misconduct on the part of the Coshocton County Board of Election, Board employees and the office of then Secretary of State Blackwell. I gave Mr. Deemer and his two associates the complete complaint relating to the events in Coshocton County for their possible investigation, including all supporting public records and documents. Up until now this investigation has been obstructed by the Coshocton County Prosecutor and ignored by Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. Today it was delivered directly into the hands of the Attorney General's staff and it was an encouraging moment! Mr. Deemer agreed to schedule a follow up meeting but may be in contact sooner concerning legal action related to this complaint.

Because we may again see the use of optical scan machines in Ohio this matter is of great concern. The tacit approval of election misconduct by our elected officials and public servants must not be tolerated. You can read the complete complaint from Coshocton County and view all the evidence at

On another note: Today New Jersey outlawed the death penalty. Governor Strickland would do well to take notice.

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