Tuesday, June 10, 2008

From the Buckeye Blog

Sen-20: Strickland Endorses Shriver
Submitted by dpotts on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 9:27am.
Rick Shriver, the Democratic candidate for the 20th Senate District, has been formally endorsed by Governor Ted Strickland.
“Rick Shriver’s commitment to public service and extensive work in education make him the most experienced and qualified candidate to represent the 20th Senate District.” -- Gov. Ted StricklandWhile this isn’t a surprise, it’s good to see Strickland is getting involved.
I am especially proud to receive this endorsement. We are grateful for the Governor for all his good work in Southeastern Ohio, and I am looking forward to the chance to work with him and his leadership team in continuing to "Turn Around Ohio." -- Rick ShriverI had the chance to meet Rick a few weeks ago, and I was impressed. As a constituent of the 20th district I’d be thrilled to see this guy get elected. The 20th district is currently held by Joy Padgett, who is leaving the Senate after this term to deal with her financial scandals. Shriver will go up against Jimmy Stewart in November.

My Comments:
More of the same is the best they can do!
Submitted by Tim on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 7:51pm.
If the moniker of "pamphleteers of the revolution" is to be believed then it is time to quit supporting the corporate candidates and policies of the past, the same candidates, elected officials and policies that got us where we now find ourselves. Don't look to the Democrats for real leadership unless your vision of the future includes more capital punishment, a continuation of the illegal occupation of Iraq, increasingly obscene profits for the health care industry at the expense of working men and women, the poor and the working poor, collusion with the coal industry and power generators under the guise of "protecting jobs" and the same servitude to corporate and special interests that have left Lady Democracy in peril. On November 3, 2004 John Kerry left Ohio, declaring defeat and abandoning his supporters after raising millions promising to "count every vote" As one of the statewide organizers of the Green Party's 2004 Presidential vote recount I know that capitulation is not an option. As a self-employed small businessman I know that the for-profit health care industry is nothing more than a parasite on working family's backs, and as a committed peace activist I am positive that the illegal occupation of Iraq will not end unless state legislatures take on the challenge of ending it. If you prefer the status quo then Governor Strickland and his team are your kinda folks. However, if you want to take back your government, accept responsibility for that which your government does in your name, empower working families and those most vulnerable and least heard, the poor and the working poor then it is time to "think outside the box",gather some courage, take that leap of faith and VOTE GREEN!
Tim Kettler, Green Party Candidate Ohio Senate District 20 http://www.votekettler.com

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